Human-Centered, Resource-Efficient, Resilient

Solutions from Research and Development 2024 / 2025

»What challenges does industry face?« This was the central question guiding the »Research and Development Trends« issue as we discussed future technology and innovation needs in manufacturing with executives from a variety of industries. Despite industry-specific differences, the overall result was homogeneous: The manufacturing of the future is data-driven, but there is still a lot of development work to be done to get there. 

This time, we switch perspectives: We invite you to look over our shoulders and see us at work. We present R&D projects and solutions which provide answers to industry’s most pressing questions. We will show you how our researchers transfer digital, networked technologies into industrial applications, how they curate large amounts of data using machine learning and artificial intelligence, and how they develop applications on this basis. 

Read more about how we make production fit for change.

Data Management, Networking and Analysis

Data – an invaluable goldmine

© Fraunhofer IPK/Larissa Klassen

Industry is convinced: Working securely and efficiently with data will be crucial for companies to succeed. Data-driven solutions make processes more efficient and generate new business models. Our experts develop strategies and solutions for working with this valuable raw material.

Selected solutions in this area:

  • From cradle to grave: data continuity along the entire product life cycle
  • Digital twins at a glance: digital representations of products, processes and technologies
  • Digital throughout: presenting the project »Werk 4.0«  
  • Data in dialogue: curation of large amounts of data

More on data-driven solutions

Manufacturing Systems and Production Control

Manufacturing efficiently with flexible processes

Fast throughput is only possible within rigid production structures? That was yesterday. The manufacturing systems of today are modular and can be recombined time and time again – data-based digitalization makes that possible. In the future, resources in manufacturing will even »think« along with empathy.

Selected solutions in this area:

  • Digitalization is expensive? Hardly so! The integrated modular factory
  • »Smart« Is old news – make way for empathy: human-technology solutions for a resilient production
  • Stable and agile all at once: seamless transition between standardized and flexible processes
  • A Safe Test Environment for Digital Production: the application laboratory »Digitally Integrated Production (dip)«

More on modular systems

Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Technology

Machines – the heart of the factory

© Fraunhofer IPK / Martin Bienlein

Every manufacturing process hinges on them, and as such they are a crucial starting point for optimizations of all kinds: Machine tools, robots and other systems are constantly reaching new levels of efficiency through digital upgrades or process adaptations.

Selected solutions in this area:

  • Machining, but make it better: Methods and technologies for machining
  • Better, faster: production. An overview of our innovation portfolio
  • Additive beats conventional: Where it's economical and why simulation is important
  • Robot cognition: see, hear, feel, do. Robots become perceptive

More on system optimization

Knowledge and Assistance in Production

Support for the human resource

© Fraunhofer IPK / Larissa Klassen

Qualified staff is the key to company success – nothing works in production without committed employees. However, in view of the shortage of skilled workers, it is difficult to find optimally trained personnel, making it all the more important to provide employees with the best possible training and support.

Selected solutions in this area:

  • Continuous information flow within companies: semantic data structures
  • Machine operation app-solutely under control: assistance systems based on mobile devices 
  • Gaming? Let’s get serious! Qualifying employees through serious games
  • AI-improved learning: tool for the selection of training offers

More on context-sensitive assistance

Sustainability and Environmental Compatibility

Towards a green production

© LRP Autorecycling Leipzig

Manufacturing companies carry great responsibility. Those who use resources and energy on a large scale to produce what must one day be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way would do well to design processes and products sustainably – for ethical as well as economic reasons.

Selected solutions in this area:

  • Our goal: smaller footprints. Towards GHG accounting with the project »KliMaWirtschaft«
  • Sustainability into industry: solutions for future-proof production
  • Steering sustainably: solutions for manufacturing for electric vehicles
  • Gamechanger for circularity and data economy: digital product passports
  • Industry plus biology equals future: results from the BioFusion 4.0 project

More on sustainability

Holistic answers to current industry challenges

In addition to the R&D trends above, we also tackle cross-cutting topics with an interdisciplinary approach. In our six business divisions, we can map all aspects of such trend topics along the entire process chain, from production management, product development and manufacturing to the maintenance of capital goods. The various competencies of our research areas are optimally interlinked for the benefit of our clients.

Industry 4.0

What is Industry 4.0?

»Digitally Integrated Production« – our answer to the challenges of Industry 4.0

Additive Manufacturing

How can additive manufacturing help you?

Development times can be drastically reduced and highly complex component geometries can be manufactured cost-effectively.

Smart Maintenance

How can your production benefit from Smart Maintenance?

Processes and technologies in the field of maintenance, repair and overhaul can be designed to be energy- and resource-efficient.

Artificial Intelligence

How do we at Fraunhofer IPK deal with machine learning and artificial intelligence?

Above all, people are at the center of production.

Manufacturing in Times of Corona

Do you need support to tackle your challenges?

We help you to quickly adapt to changed conditions.

Digital Twins

You want to use Digital Twins to flexibilize production? 

We are developing customized solutions that exploit the full potential of digital twins.