Business Process Optimization

Inhouse-Training / Appointment by Arrangement

Transformation through a Serious Game

Organizations face the challenge of making transformations such as digitalization profitable. They often begin this process with a focus on technology. It is easy for employees to feel left out, even though 60 percent of the success of a business transformation depends on them.

Employee engagement arises above all when employees can actively shape and experience change. Our serious game »LearnFactory 5.0« provides the environment to try out and learn about process optimization in the company. The Learning Factory is therefore the ideal starting point for upcoming complex change processes.


Learning and understanding process optimization in the Learning Factory

In the Learning Factory, participants work in a fictitious company that manufactures seven different versions of a drill. The factory environment is simulated with building bricks.

During the game, this company is redesigned and optimized in several cycles to achieve better performance, more flexibility, and greater employee satisfaction. The sales, production, assembly, logistics, and planning departments are confronted with challenges such as short-term fluctuations in demand and new product variants, which cause the participants to experience typical moments of frustration. In this way, the emotional aspects of change are combined with methodological and technical skills development.

Participants then try out how to achieve systematic process management in the real world using methods and digital tools. This creates an intuitive and tangible understanding of the requirements and possibilities of systematic process orientation. The step-by-step approach creates skills and orientation in digitized processes. Participants recognize the benefits of model-based integrated (factory) planning and other innovative solutions. In addition, skills for interdisciplinary cooperation are acquired and their application is experienced. The learning effects are applicable for employees in production as well as in public administration.


Type of event Inhouse training
Event location

Production Technology Center Berlin
Pascalstrasse 8-9
10587 Berlin


on site

Event format attendance
Date by arrangement
Language German, English, Chinese (translation from English)
Fee by arrangement. Minimum 11, maximum 22 participants can take part in the training.
  • Business transformation
  • Present approaches to transformation and digitalization
  • Recognize the benefits of model-based integrated (factory) planning and other innovative solutions

Day 1

08:30 Welcome and introduction
09:00 Introduction to the training and expectations



10:00 Introduction to the serious game (theory)


Familiarization (exercise)
10:45 First round (exercise)


Discussion and suggestions for improvement
11:45 Lunch break


Implementation (exercise)
13:30 Second round (exercise)
14:00 Performance benchmarking of the second round (theory and discussion)
14:10 Conclusions
14:25 Break
14:35 Technology-oriented factory planning and business process optimization (theory)
16:05 Break
16:15 Part 1: Data acquisition and visualization for performance management (theory and exercise)
16:45 Follow-up of day 1 and outlook for day 2
17:00 End of day 1

Day 2

08:30 Welcome and introduction 
08:40 Part 2: Data acquisition and visualization for performance management (theory and exercise)

Joint improvement planning (exercise)

09:30 Group 1 and 2: Individual improvement planning in two rooms (exercise) 
10:50 Break
11:00 Group 1: Reorganization and implementation of the third round (exercise)


Group 2: Lecture (theory)
12:15 Lunch break


Group 2: Reorganization and implementation of the third round (exercise)
13:30 Group 1: Lecture (theory)
14:45 Break
14:55 Q&A
15:25 Evaluation
15:55 Break
16:10 Follow-up, feedback and certificate
16:50 End of day 2

An event for

  • Employees and managers of small and large companies (national and international) who are at the beginning of a business transformation or digitalization process
  • The training is also suitable for public institutions and non-profit organizations.