
At Fraunhofer IPK, we develop solutions for the efficient, highly flexible and safe automation of machines, plants and processes for production as well as for logistic and safety applications. The efficiency and flexibility of our solutions results from the approach of transferring complex sensomotoric and cognitive abilities of humans to automated systems.

Bringing AI into production


Robotic Handling Skills in Tight Workspaces.

Automation of electrical connector assembly. Robotic Handling Skills in Tight Workspaces. Position based grasping of plugs with multiple cable threads.


Automatic Identification and Evaluation of Old Parts

Image-based identification, classification and evaluation of different objects in a real application environment.


Automated Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting

AI-based ripeness detection of fruits and vegetables and development of robotic picking and harvesting strategies.

Industrial image processing

Using conventional matrix cameras, we digitize your products and offer AI-supported value-added services for production and logistics.

Virtual reconstruction

Our e-Puzzler technology allows for the virtual restoration of documents and cultural assets that have been torn, cut or damaged by aging and catastrophes.

Computer vision for safety and security

We use our know-how in biometrics as well as object and pattern recognition for the identification and management of data-intensive multimedia information.

Industrial robotics

Our innovative robotics, control and safety concepts support flexible cooperation between people and automation systems in adaptable production processes.

Process technology and optimization

We develop methods for obtaining information from energy-related production data as well as methods for sustainable energy efficiency controlling.

Intelligent systems for health and ergonomics

We are specialized in the development of intelligent assistance systems for medical motion rehabilitation.


Realistic Robot Simulation (RRS)

The projects of Realistic Robot Simulation (RRS) aim at achieving high accuracy when simulating the controllers of manufacturing systems.