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Do you want to start working at Fraunhofer IPK while still in high school or university? Gain your first experience in application-oriented research as an intern or as a student employee with us!



Discover our jobs for

Student Assistants

Bachelor and Master Theses




For all those who want to realize their own industry-related R&D projects in science and do a doctorate at the same time. As a bonus, you will work with companies or start-ups, whether local or international.

We are also always looking for people with industry or R&D experience for more senior scientific positions.



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Administrative jobs

Whether administration, IT, technology or communication – we look forward to receiving applications from people who want to work »close to science«.







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Activities in support of science


Why work for Fraunhofer IPK?

There are plenty of reasons – to help you decide, here are the most important considerations regarding Fraunhofer IPK as an employer

Außenansicht Fraunhofer IPK
© Fraunhofer IPK / Konstantin Heß
  • Our scientists work closely with many industry partners. In addition to their own research work, they can also network and gain insights into various companies and sectors.

  • Fraunhofer is a renowned name and continues to be highly regarded as Europe's leading application-oriented research organization in industry and science. Our alumni usually move directly into senior positions in the industry, where they can draw upon the networks they built during their time at Fraunhofer IPK.

  • At Fraunhofer IPK you can do your doctorate while working, but you don't necessarily have to. We offer state-of-the-art, diverse R&D infrastructure for your research project.

  • Are you looking for a meaningful job that will help you set the course for the sustainable industry of the future? At Fraunhofer IPK, everyone pulls together to make production inventive, human-centered and resource-efficient – from interns and department heads to administration and IT.

  • You will be hard-pressed to find monotonous activities that only serve to maintain the status quo with us. Instead, we encourage our employees to get involved themselves in order to help shape the future of production.

  • At Fraunhofer IPK, you have access to many career programs of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Whether it is through target agreements for professional and personal continuing education, options for working abroad, career mentoring (including mentoring specifically for women) or prizes for excellent research − the opportunities are many and varied.

  • A glance at our areas of expertise reveals that the Fraunhofer IPK is very broadly based. Interdisciplinary projects give you an insight into other areas of research at the institute and beyond.

  • In difficult times, a reliable job can be worth a lot. We base our employment, remuneration and social benefits on the regulations of the TVöD, the collective agreement for the public sector. For example, this includes 30 days of vacation and regular collective negotiations for salary increases. In addition, we offer performance-related bonuses, a special payment at the end of the year and a corporate retirement plan.


Latest studies by trendence and Universum show that not only does Fraunhofer stand for top-level research; it is also one of the most popular employers in Germany. We are proud of our top positions in the rankings and do everything we can to become even better.

Certified work-life balance

The Fraunhofer IPK is certified with the Fraunhofer FamilyLogo, which demonstrates the excellent work-life balance at our institute.

Diversity at Fraunhofer

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has signed the Charta der Vielfalt in November 2011. For us, diversity management means openly appreciating, recognizing and productively harnessing the diversity and uniqueness of all our employees. This includes equal participation and development – regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion, ideology, disabilities, age, or sexual identity.

Our Alumni

Once Fraunhofer, always Fraunhofer – we keep close contact with our former researchers even after they have moved on to commercial enterprises, scientific organizations or government institutions.


Alumni Column

Dr.-Ing. Florian Heitmüller

The engineer is responsible for custom build machines and systems used to produce official documents at the Bundesdruckerei GmbH.


Alumni Column

Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Halstenberg

The PLM expert researches and advises on LCA, circular economy and product development at GreenDelta.



Alumni Column

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann Habakuk Israel

After studying computer science and earning his doctorate, the alumnus now teaches applied computer science at HTW Berlin.