Sustainability and Environmental Compatibility

R&D solutions 2024 / 2025

Towards a green production

Manufacturing companies carry great responsibility. Those who use resources and energy on a large scale to produce what must one day be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way would do well to design processes and products sustainably – for ethical as well as economic reasons.

Sustainability has many aspects. Using resources sparingly not only protects the company's bottom line. Businesses that operate with less energy and other raw materials in their production benefit financially and at the same time make an important contribution to securing the future of our planet. If this alone is not a strong enough incentive, legal regulations require companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or make products traceable. 

The starting points for sustainable product and production design are found very early in the product life cycle. Companies can maximize their impact if they consider how and from where raw materials and semi-finished products are procured or under what conditions a product will be manufactured already during product development. At Fraunhofer IPK, we research methods, tools, technologies and materials in order to design products sustainably throughout their entire life cycle – all the way to true circularity.

In this context, we are particularly concerned with increasing the international competitiveness of Germany as a production location. High energy costs, strict CO2 regulations and other regulatory requirements confront companies in Germany and Europe with major challenges. We enable companies to implement regulations, not least to ensure the greatest possible transparency for customers and partners. And we create solutions to future-proof established industries during transformation processes – a good example is the automotive sector.

R & D highlights on sustainability and environmental compatibility

Manufacturing with an eye on nature and environment: We demonstrate how we support companies in becoming more sustainable, from management level down to individual processes.


Our Goal: Smaller Footprints

How can SMEs systematically set up climate management? The KliMaWirtschaft project provides answers. micro resist technology GmbH has tried out the solutions.


Sustainability Into Industry

Climate-neutral, resource-saving, eco-friendly: Fraunhofer IPK is supporting companies in meeting new requirements.


Steering Sustainably

Electric mobility plays a key role in climate protection. A lot of things need to change in manufacturing and materials for the green mobility transformation to succeed.


Gamechanger for Circularity and Data Economy

Prof. Thomas Knothe and Theresa Riedelsheimer help introduce digital product passports.

Industry Plus Biology Equals Future

For three years, the BioFusion 4.0 project investigated how production can become more sustainable, circular and resilient using biological principles.

Other activities and R&D projects in the area of sustainability and environmental compatibility


Clean production for clean mobility

The Future of Timber Construction

Digitalization and sustainability go hand in hand

Mastering Sustainability Through Play

Learning modules and serious games for a green future

Smart Recycling

Using AI and smartphones to recover household appliances sustainably