The Magazine of the Production Technology Center Berlin


Research and Development

Capacity Building Through Research

From onboarding and knowledge retention to assistance systems – solutions for the dire shortage of skilled workers.

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FUTUR – Vision, Innovation and Realization.

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Current Issue FUTUR 1/2024: Knowledge and Assistance


Research and Development

Five Millimeters at the Price of 80 Million Euros

Knowledge graphs help to make complex relationships more transparent.



Holy Grail: Complexity Management

We spoke to Frank Moos, Vice President Global Process Management, about robust business process management.


Research and Development

A Smart Helpdesk

Generative AI is revolutionizing the way we deal with knowledge. How can companies take advantage?


Research and Development

Should I Be Using Robots ...

... in my production? An automation assessment developed at Fraunhofer IPK helps companies answer this question.


Research and Development

How to Implement Knowledge Management

Fraunhofer IPK scientists have developed a comprehensive framework to guide their partners.


Research and Development

Tailor-made Skills

Ready for digitalization in production? With the help of an AI-based learning platform, SMEs can prepare their employees for their individual roles in a digitally integrated production.


Research and Development

Jack of All Trades ...

... with a tablet – Can unskilled workers take on even complex manufacturing tasks? 

All our articles from the "Knowledge and Assistance" issue...

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