Current crises such as the Corona pandemic or the flood disaster in summer 2021 show how important it is for organizations of all kinds to position themselves to withstand crises. A keyword that often comes up in this context is »resilience«: the ability to not only survive crises and setbacks unscathed, but even to emerge from them stronger. Fraunhofer IPK has for years been working intensively on the question of how to bring resilience into production. Together with 16 other Fraunhofer institutes, it has now published a white paper that looks at the topic of resilience from a wide variety of angles.
The paper examines the impact of unexpected disruptions and sudden crises on companies. At the same time, the researchers shed light on the measures that companies and policymakers can take to increase resilience in value creation systems. Key factors here are, for example, to qualify and motivate employees, to establish alternative process chains or to make the relevant institutions speed up certification of products and processes. »A careful analysis of internal business processes, structures and often hidden dependencies is fundamental for successfully establishing resilient value creation systems,« says Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl, deputy institute director at Fraunhofer IPK and coordinator of the white paper on the RESYST research project, to summarize the findings.
The white paper »RESYST« is available in a print version and as a free PDF download. Detailed information on the publication is provided by Fraunhofer headquarters in a detailed press release (in German only) and on the Fraunhofer Group for Production's website.